Monday 28 April 2014

Goodbye Blogger?!

STARDATE : 28/04/2014

Well, this is it everybody, if you've come across this then I have something to say to you because you all mean so much to me...

*tumbleweed because no one reads this*

I AM MOVING. Yes! I am moving my blog to tumblr as its easier for me to use without doing Google.

I will not be deactivating this account and may post on here and I will copy my monthly posts on here as well and yeah thats it really!

The new blog is...

PLEASE FOLLOW and there'll be even more crazy shenanagins there!

Bye for now
Georgia x

Wednesday 23 April 2014

T.M.I Tag!

Okay, so I know you're meant to do this as a video, but I don't really use my channel for anything other than posting clips of music I need and watching my fave peoples so I'm going to do it on here!
This is the TMI tag as started by Carrie Hope Fletcher (YouTube: itswaypastmybedtime) it's 50 questions which means we have a lot to get through so let's go!

1} What are you wearing?
My McBusted tour shirt and anchor PJs.

2} Ever been in love?
I believe so.

3} Ever had a terrible breakup?

4} How tall are you?
5ft 8.5

5} How much do you weigh?
More than I wish too but, hey ho, I love cake too much.

6} Any tattoos?

7} Any piercings?
I got my ears pierced when I was about 12 but they got infected so I let them close up and have never had them done since.

8} OTP?

9} Favourite TV show?

10} Favourite band?
McFly and blink-182!!

11} Something you miss:
My guinea pig Bella.

12} Favourite song?
Transylvania by McFly or After Midnight by blink.

13} How old are you?

14} Zodiac sign?
Pisces... The fish.

15} Quality you look for in a partner?
A sense of humour.

16} Favourite quote?
"Lonely, vaguely pedophilic swing set seeks the butts of children." ~ The Fault in Our Stars.
Aha no really it's "Everything will be okay in the end; if it isn't okay, it isn't the end."

17} Favourite actor?
Russell Crowe!

18} Favourite colour?
Navy blue.

19} Loud music or quiet music?

20} Where do you go when you're sad?
My bed or a friend.

21} How long does it take you to shower?
About 15 minutes, 20 if music is included.

22} How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Half an hour if I don't wash my hair and three quarters of an hour if I do.

23} Ever been in a physical fight?
Yeah all my cousins are teenage boys so I'll let you work out how we decide what we watch on TV.

24} Turn on?
Musical theatre talent.

25} Turn off?
Bad breath and cockiness... Haha I said cock 😂.

26} The reason you joined YouTube?
To comment on videos and maybe start a proper channel one day.

27} Fears?
Balloons, heights, open stairs and ladders, the dark and elephants. I know "elephants" I'm a fucking weirdo okay? 😝

28} The last thing that made you cry?
Had a really bad day today.

29} The last time you said you loved someone?
About 7 hours ago at school.

30} The meaning behind your YouTube name?
It's a twist on a StarKid joke and I love space!

31} The last book you read?
The Fault in Our Stars! I finished re-reading it again this afternoon.

32} The book you are currently reading?
Allegiant by Veronica Roth. The final book of the Divergent series.

33} The last TV show you watched?
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait... the Earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, we built the wall WE BUILT THE PYRAMIDS, math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries it all started with the Big Bang. BANG.
The Big Bang Theory, in case you didn't know that. And if you don't DO YOU EVEN INTERNET?

34} The last person you talked to?
My mum.

35} The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Best friend.

36} Favourite food?
Chocolate chip cookies!

37} A place you want to visit?
Orlando, Florida so I can go to Disney World and Harry Potter World!

38} The last place you were?
My room!

39} Do you have a crush?

40} Last time you kissed someone?
The last time I saw Matt!

41} The last time you were insulted?
Exam rehearsal *cough cough* Aaron *cough cough*

42} Favourite flavour of sweet?

43} What instruments do you play?
None. I used to play guitar, recorder and clarinet but I can't remember how to play them now.

44} Favourite piece of jewellery?
My McBusted necklace and my McFly ten year bracelet.

45} The last sport you played?
Hockey. Like 3 weeks ago.

46} The last song you sang?
Nerdy by Busted.

47} The last time you hung out with someone?
Monday! I spent 7 hours in a car park with Kayleigh waiting to see McBusted.

48} Favourite chat up line?
You remind me of my big toe. How? Because I'm going to bang you on every bit of furniture I own.😂😂 :'D

49} Ever used it?
No way!

50} Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who wants to! 

And that was too much information about me.
Georgia x

Sunday 6 April 2014

March-April Post!! {sorry it's late}

YHello! How art thou my dearest readers? I am soo sorry that my first monthly post is late!! I tried SO hard but it has been a busy busy month!! So let's get to it...

First thing I want to say is that on the 4th I saw one of the first screenings of Divergent and OHMY IT IS INCREDIBLE. There were a few things that annoyed me because they were a bit different, but I always knew they couldn't get it spot on to the book, it's Hollywood!! I went to see the movie with my lovely friendly friends Charlotte and cling-cling Daisy. We all dressed as our faction would too!! Charlotte was Dauntless, Daisy was Erudite and I was Candor. Also the film wouldn't play at first so they skipped all the adverts!! Result!! But it was such a good day and after the film and Charlotte had left, Daisy and I decided to go into the arcade next door to the cinema. We had £4 between us and ended up winning 1253 tickets. We spent them on a minion mug each and some other junk. I will post a review to the film at some point this week.

Also, my beautiful sister Alice was Christened on Sunday and she took a celebratory selfie.

Also, I was told at school that I was wasting my PE lessons by just reading so last week I went out with my boys (and Holly and Steph) and had a good old game of Hockey. I was ref for the first match and actually played for the second. My bestest friend ever, Rob, is pretty good in goal, so we kitted him up and he looked fab. 😉

I am just about halfway through Insurgent and OHMY IT IS FAB. I'm just worried about what's to come 🙈. No spoiler until the review, when I am finished with it.

Also, later this month, I am planning to see one of my favourites Hope if she can come down from Somerset, she loves books and I will be posting about our time together and discussions in next months post.

Also as I side note, I have a very big exam coming up soon which is followed by my other 10 taking place over May and June so I will not specify dates of posts anymore because I don't know if I am able to fit them in. Thank you for understanding!!

Thank so much for reading chummies!!
Review of Divergent movie coming soon.
Georgia x